"Winning with Hyjinx"
by Dr. Elisabeth Paige
Chapter 1
As I wandered around the farmer’s market looking for kids my age because since my move cross-country, I hadn’t been able to connect with anyone, I watched a small, white fluffy dog get loose from his owner and chase a squirrel up a tree, with a very loud bark for such a small dog. It was like a lion’s roar in a mouse’s body. A woman with with short magenta spiky hair ran after him yelling, “Hyjinx, get back here” as she struggled to hold her bag of veggies.
I ran over to Hyjinx and grabbed his leash, handing it back to the woman. She had a super friendly smile with deep dimples. She wore a purple dress with yellow and blue flowers, all of my favorite colors. As I helped her pick up her veggies, I smelled lavender like the shampoo that my moms used. There was something about her that I liked immediately.
“Thanks so much! Hyjinx was almost a service dog, but he can’t seem to give up chasing squirrels.”
I stared at the miniature American Spitz with deep brown eyes, black lips, nose and eyeliner, white eyelashes, and a fluffy tail that was wagging so fast that his whole butt was moving. “He’s absolutely adorable.” He looked just like my uncle Ron’s Eskie.
I sat down on the ground and Hyjinx jumped in my lap, knocking me over as I giggled. He kissed me all over my face. It was the first time I smiled and relaxed since the move.
I really missed my friends and everything that New York City had to offer including the restaurants, the bookstores, the animal shelter where I volunteered and the LGBTQ center where I went for a support group for kids of gay and lesbian parents.
“I’m MaryAnne and this is Hyjinx. I foster dogs that are last minute service dog rejections for one reason or another. It’s usually something small, but they must be perfect to be a service dog.”
“I think he’s perfect.” I pet his head lovingly.
“Hyjinx, at 18-months-old is very obedient because he did well in service dog training, but he loves chasing squirrels. He also chews anything paper.” she sighed
“Does that mean Hyjinx is available?”
“Why? Are you looking for a dog?”
“I’ve been wanting an Eskie like forever, but my moms always said we didn’t have enough room in our townhouse in New York and I’m not old enough. But, now that we’re in a bigger house with a yard and I’m 13, maybe you can help me convince my moms that it’s time for me to get a dog? Can you wait here while I go and get them?”
I ran to my moms, “Mom, Momma, there’s this great Eskie named Hyjinx and he’s available for adoption. You always say when I’m old enough, I can get a dog. Please come meet him…Please, Please.”
My moms looked at each other and sighed before they followed me over to meet MaryAnne and Hyjiinx. I tried to get them to move faster by walking two steps ahead of them.
“Hi, this is Kim and I’m Jessica.”
“I’m MaryAnne and this is Hyjinx. Along with going through obedience training, I’ve been training Hyjinx to do agility. In fact, I work with a group of kids who meet with their dogs every Saturday at my house right down the street.”
Mom smiled, “Wow, he is cute.”
“Please, please.” I pleaded.
Kim and Jessica looked at each other.
“We have to think about it, MaryAnne, can you give us your phone number so we can get back to you? When do you need an answer?”
“I can keep Hyjinx for about a week without letting anyone else take him so that you have some time to think about it. If it helps, Alex and Hyjinx can try each other out with Hyjinx being a foster dog for a few weeks.”
“Great! That might work out well. We can get back to you soon.”
MaryAnne sent a text to Kim so that Kim had her phone number.
I gave Hyjinx a kiss goodbye. I crossed my fingers and toes, hoping that I would see him again soon.