Maria Scrivan: Graphic Novelist and Syndicated Cartoonist

ya and middle grade book reviews

The Nat series and "Half Full"
by NYT Best Selling Author and Syndicated Columnist Maria Scrivan

Maria Scrivan--Nat series, graphic novels, middle grade, comics half full
Maria is living her childhood dream, embracing the dual roles of syndicated cartoonist and a graphic novelist with gusto. Her creative canvas is the everyday emotional rollercoaster, where joy and challenges intertwine, and humor and joy acts as the bridge to accessibility in both her genres.


maria scrivan--half full cartoon
Navigating the demanding landscape of constant deadlines, Maria knows the struggle of hitting creative roadblocks all too well. Yet, amidst the hurdles, she finds overwhelming joy in the rewards of her craft. For her, the keys to unlocking inspiration lie in the practice of exercise and yoga, powerful tools that help her break free from the clutches of creative stagnation.

Humor, Maria believes, holds the power to defuse even the heaviest of subjects. Through her middle-grade novels and cartoons alike, she skillfully weaves laughter into the fabric of storytelling, allowing readers to empathize with characters navigating pain without feeling overwhelmed by it.

Pets have always held a special place in Maria’s heart, and they play a significant role in her comics, adding a touch of warmth and familiarity to her narratives. For her, writing is akin to capturing moments in a time capsule, preserving snippets of history, everyday experiences, and the essence of human emotion.

Her next book will be Nat a Chance.

You can find the podcast conversation between Maria and Elisabeth Paige at:

 And the YouTube video at:

half full, maria scrivan, comic
maria scrivan, nat series, graphic middle grade novel
You can reach Maria at:

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